
Saudi Arabia



Mostly, women in Saudi Arabia really like about the new steps of the women’s right. Nowadays, since the women’s right is keep changing, lots of people get annoyed with that situation. The women’s right in Saudi Arabia is such a unique thing and unbelievable rights through the world. The women’s right is such a huge step of women’s life in Saudi Arabia. Just one year ago, women in Saudi Arabia, did not even think about this kind of new life such as playing sports, speak out loud in the public, and have the women’s rights. Recently, the women’s rights in Saudi Arabia has been improved and become better in the situation of different sectors of the kingdom, Saudi Arabia. So, there are not enough information to discover what exactly happened in the behind of the improvement of the women’s right. There are several interesting ideas about women’s rights in Saudi Arabia. The biggest point would be the education of Saudi women. Because of the education, the point of view for women had been changed. The most efficient changed point was the laws, which is the women’s rights. Then the second efficient pint would be the governing, because if they are well-educated, then the woman can join to the Shura council.

There are some positive and negative view about the improvement of the big step of woman's rights. The biggest changing point was driving a car by the women. Saudi Arabia was the only one country in the world that do not allow women to drive cars. Most people do not even bother to touch the laws, but some people who cares about the laws disagree with this law for variable reasons. They says that this law is not a rational law, because the Government of Saudi Arabia is using the Islamic Laws in all sectors of the country. This law of driving car do not belong to any of the Islamic laws. If the women can drive a car, then it would be helpful for the family and save time. It would be helpful for the family, because the housewives can help their husbands like to pick-up their children or to bring them home. Also it can save time for the husbands, because in the Saudi family structure, when the man get married, the husbands will have the responsibilities to take care of their children to pick-up or dropping them off as well as taking care of their families. Dropping the children at the school occurs in the morning, which is the busiest time ever in the day time. Before the law of driving change, the husbands have to drive cars for family or use house drivers like the most families do, which will cost a lot per month. Therefore, if the government allow the women to drive, then it would help a lot of people in Saudi Arabia and save money additionally by not hiring the personal drivers.

