
The Graphic Design Process

I learned from class that the design processes are really important when we are trying to design something, so I would like to introduce the graphic design process.

Step 1. Gathering information.
          - In order to design something, we need some information to start with.

Step 2. Write out proposals.
           - Basically plan it, what you going to design.

Step 3. Brainstorming.
            - Similar to writing a paper, it is preparing what to design, like sketching out what you imagine.

Step 4. Experimenting.
           - Get some experiments from different things like try different things to get some more ideas.

Step 5. Revision.
            - This is the most important step and it is also the last step. Literately revision your design to be better, and make the main focus clear.

Reading Respond

In our daily life, we could easily find a bunch of different things that is related in to art in general. Especially those objects are really close to graphic design. There is a reading assignment that we had in class which talked about the stop sign. Simply, I loved the reading, it inspires me to design something that is similar to what the reading had, and it made me think about some other designs while I read the article. Anyway, the stop sign, the most practical obvious object that everyone can understand. Its design is simply a red octagon shaped sign with a word, stop. Usually, red represents something important or stop. Because of that kind of symbol, people does not need to take time to figure out what the sign means, because they can feel by color, object, and even the meaning of the word itself. From the reading, I learned how the symbol was important, again.

Green Design

Green design, also known as eco-design, environmental design, environmentally conscious design. The entire life cycle of the product on the products' environmental attributes (disassembly, recyclability, maintainability, reusability, etc.) as a design goal, at the same time to meet the environmental objectives and requirements to ensure that the products should the function, life, and quality requirements. Green design principle is recognized as the "3R" principles, namely Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, reduce environmental pollution, reducing energy consumption, recycling of products and parts recycling or re-use.


poster share

about poster

The poster is an information transfer art, is a popular promotional tool. The posters also known as posters. Posted on the street large paintings hanging on the wall in the shop window to attract the attention of passers-by, a sense in terms of the 20th century is the century of the political propaganda posters as a means of publicity at the time reached its peak, with its eye-catching screen, which the two world wars, the Soviet revolution and construction, the Spanish Civil War is the peak period of the political poster creation, especially in the first five years of the twentieth century, posters accusing him of its golden age. Soon after the victory of the October Revolution, the Soviet Union, the capital, the center of Moscow post office windows plastered with posters, so that the public can understand from the posters of these different manifestations of the revolutionary situation. At school, posters commonly used in theatrical performances, Games, stories, exhibitions, parents, festivals, contests and games. The poster design requirements of the total people at a glance. The general posters usually contain a notice, so the topic should be clearly visible, at a glance, and then summarized the main content of the time, place, note the most concise statement. Poster illustration, layout, appearance is usually a good way to attract the eye. In real life, there are more abstract and concrete.
The poster design is based on a computer graphic design applications, the formation of a new career with the development of the advertising industry. The main features of the Vocational expression of images, text, color, layout, graphics and other advertising elements, combined with the characteristics of the use of advertising media on the computer design software to achieve the purpose and intent of the expression ads, the plane creativity of a design activity or process. With China's sustained and rapid economic growth, the market competition is increasingly expansion, escalating competition, business war has begun to enter the "wisdom" War ads from the so-called "media war", "put into war" rise to creative advertising competition, " creative "to become the most popular Chinese advertising industry commonly used words. "Creative", it is meant to create, create, cause. "Creative" literally "to create the image of Italy, excavated from this level, the advertising creative is between advertising planning and advertising production performance between the idea of ​​artistic activities. Advertising theme, carefully thinking and planning, the use of artistic means to master the material combination of creative, to the process of shaping an image. In short, the advertising theme ideas, imagery tendency.


learn Graphic design

Want to learn graphic design, you need to  you have good ideas, good art foundation primer is a must. Well, if you want to learn it, you have to a step. First of all, you want a flat-screen form, color composition, three-dimensional structure 3 constitute learn. Ability to draw, if you have good ideas, but do not give it manifested that tantamount fantasy. Be able to master these is not a small grow. Second, you need to improve its cultivation, to know how to be aesthetic, which need to rely on every day you come up with several hours of time to learn with the watch design. You have to look at things with art by analogy, from all aspects should be carried out to enrich itself. To see more of the excellent graphic designer works at home and abroad.


With color consultation in some developed countries of the world is quite mature, in fact, more than 30 years ago has been a rocket scientist could make you very clearly what the color of the selection and matching - 1974 Ms. Carol Jacksonto published color Four Seasons theory, the 1983, Ms. Mary Adams Spillane, on the basis of the original Four Seasons, based on the relationship between the three attributes of color cold, lightness, purity Four Seasons extended to 12 quarters, thus completely solvethe division of the problem of the color of the season, more convenient, choose a more simple, and a broader range of people of color. Now there are nearly 40 million color matching designer; color design company in the United Kingdom, the United States and other countries have a number of special color designers, professional color matching designer active in distribution, construction and environmental planning , interior design, advertising and fashion design industry.